



1、 拆下泵上管路輔助系統(tǒng)。
2、 拆下泵體上的放液管堵和軸承架上的放油管堵,放凈泵內(nèi)液體和軸承支架內(nèi)的潤滑油。
3、 拆開泵體與泵蓋聯(lián)接螺栓,將泵蓋與軸承支架部件等全部轉(zhuǎn)子部件從泵體中一起取出。
4、 拆下葉輪螺釘、取下葉輪和鍵。
5、 將泵蓋連同軸套、密封蓋和機(jī)械密封等部件一起從軸上退出。注意勿使軸套相對(duì)于泵蓋等發(fā)生滑動(dòng),然后再拆下密封蓋,將機(jī)械密封連同軸套一起取下,再將軸套和機(jī)械密封拆開。
6、 拆下泵聯(lián)軸器和鍵
7、 拆下軸承支架兩端的前、后折流盤和軸承的前、后軸承蓋,再把軸連同軸承一起從軸承支架中取出。
8、 從泵軸上查下軸承。

Disassembly and assemblage
1、 disassemble the pipe work auxiliary system on the pump.
2、 Disassemble the drain pipe plug on the volute casing and the oil drainage plug on the bearing bracket, drain the liquid inside the pump and the lube inside the bearing bracket.
3、 Disassemble the coupling bolt of the volute casing and casing cover, remove casing cover and the bearing bracket ect all rotor equipment from the volute casing.
4、 Disassemble the impeller screw and remove the impeller and key.
5、 Take down the casing cover together with the shaft sleeve, sealing cover and mechanical seal from the shaft. Please pay attention not to make the shaft sleeve slide with the casing cover, then disassemble the sealing cover. Remove the mechanical seal together with the shaft sleeve and then disassemble the shaft sleeve and mechanical seal. If the seal adopts the packing, disassemble the shaft sleeve directly from the casing cover, then disassemble the packing gland, packing and packing ring in order. If the seal adopts the special structure carry out the different disassembling method.
6、 Disassemble the pump coupling and key
7、 Disassemble the bearing bracket front and back deflector and bearing front and back bearing covers, and then remove the shaft together with the bearing from the bearing bracket.
8、 Disassemble the bearing from the pump shaft
The assemblage of the pump can be operated as the opposite order of the disassembly of the pump, but when assembling the pump, pay attion to check whether all sealing ring are well and also note to leak the sealing ring and replace the incomplete sealing ring.
1、 開箱后檢查泵和電機(jī),如果證實(shí)沒有任何因裝、卸和運(yùn)輸過程中造成損壞和緊固連接松動(dòng),泵的進(jìn)出口端蓋完好,沒有塵土、污物等進(jìn)入泵內(nèi),則可不必重新拆卸清洗和裝配,直接送到使用現(xiàn)場去安裝。
2、 必須保證泵在工作時(shí)不超過其允許汽蝕余量。泵的吸上高度(或倒灌高度)必須根據(jù)泵的汽蝕余量特性,管路阻力損失特性及高溫水的吸入液面壓力來確定。
3、 吸入和吐出管路應(yīng)該另有支架,不能用泵作支撐。
4、 安裝泵的地點(diǎn),應(yīng)便于巡回檢查和檢修。對(duì)新安裝的吸入和吐出管路,應(yīng)將其中雜物清理干凈后方可與泵連接形成循環(huán)管路。
5、 安裝順序
A、 將機(jī)組放在埋有地腳螺栓的基礎(chǔ)上,在底座和基礎(chǔ)之間放置成對(duì)的楔墊作找正之用。
B、 松開聯(lián)軸器。用水平儀放在泵軸或泵聯(lián)軸器的外圓上,通過調(diào)整楔墊,趙正機(jī)組的水平后,適當(dāng)擰緊地腳螺栓,以防走動(dòng)。
C、 用混凝土灌注底座和地腳螺栓孔
D、 等混凝土干固后,應(yīng)擰緊地腳螺栓,并重新檢查泵軸的水平度。
E、 在接好管路及確定原動(dòng)機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)方向以后,接上聯(lián)軸器,再核對(duì)一遍軸的同心度,測量聯(lián)軸器的外圓上下、左右的差異不得超過0.1mm,兩聯(lián)軸器端面間隙,在一周內(nèi)大小的間隙差不得超過0.3mm。
F、 在確認(rèn)冷卻和機(jī)封沖洗液供應(yīng)正常情況下,機(jī)組才可運(yùn)行。在機(jī)組實(shí)際運(yùn)行3~4小時(shí)后檢查,如無不良現(xiàn)象,則認(rèn)為安裝合格。

1、 First check the pump and motor after opening the packing box to see whether there are any broken or loosened of the fastened connecting parts caused during the transportation, and to check whether the inlet and outlet cover of the pump is OK or not and there is any dust in the volute casing. If it is OK, you can send the pump to the working place to install without disassembling and assembling it again.
2、 It is a must to guarantee that the cavitations allowance can’t exceed the specified amount during the pump working. The suction height of the pump(or the height of converse irrigating) depends on the character of the pump’s cavitations allowance, the character of the pipe resistance loss and the hydraulic pressure of the liquid surface of the high temperature.
When the pump is working to suck the liquid to a higher place, it is must to install bottom valve on the sucking pipe and set up the bolt hole or valve on the exhaling pipe to irrigate the pump before start.
When the pump is working to irrigate in the converse way, it is a must to install valve and filter on the sucking pipe on the sucking pipe to protect it form the sundries in.
3、 The sucking pipe and exhaling pipe should have different bracket, don’t take the pump as        the bracket.
4、 The place of installing the pump should be easy for checking and maintenance. To the new sucking pipe, you should clean the pipe.
5、 Installing procedure
A、 The machine group should be placed on the place of burying the foundation bolt, and place the cushion between the seat and the foundation to get the better place.
B、 Loosen the couplings. Put a gardener on the pump shaft or the seat and adjust the cushion to find a level place for the machine group and then fasten the foundation bolt to avoid the movement.
C、 To inject the seat and the foundation bolt with the concrete.
D、 To fasten the foundation bolt until the concrete is dry and check the level of the pump shaft again.
E、 To connect the couplings until connecting all the pipes and confirm the rotation direction of the motor. Then check the concentricity of the shaft and measure the left and right, the up and down of the outer circularity of the couplings should not be yond 0.1mm, and the maxim and least clearance of the two couplings should not exceed 0.3mm during a week.
F、 Under the normal condition of the cooling and mechanical seal flushing liquid, the pump can operate, check after the operation of the pump for 3-4hours, if it works well, the installation is ok.

1、 起動(dòng)前要把泵和現(xiàn)場清理干凈。
2、 檢查軸承支架內(nèi)潤滑油量是否適量。
3、 未接聯(lián)軸器前檢查原動(dòng)機(jī)的轉(zhuǎn)向,與泵的轉(zhuǎn)向箭頭一致后,接好聯(lián)軸器。
4、 在裝好機(jī)械密封或填料和聯(lián)軸器后用手轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)泵軸,應(yīng)無碰擦現(xiàn)象,并將聯(lián)軸器的防護(hù)罩安裝好。
5、 泵在吸上情況下使用,起動(dòng)前應(yīng)灌泵或抽真空;泵在倒灌情況下使用,起動(dòng)前應(yīng)用所輸送液體將泵灌滿,完全驅(qū)除泵中的空氣后,將吐出管路的閘閥關(guān)閉。當(dāng)泵內(nèi)無液體時(shí),嚴(yán)防空轉(zhuǎn)、干磨。
6、 起動(dòng)前檢查基礎(chǔ)螺栓有無松動(dòng)。壓蓋是否歪斜,以及潤滑油和冷卻水的供應(yīng)情況。
7、 輸送易揮發(fā)或汽化的液體時(shí),泵體上應(yīng)裝設(shè)放空閥,便于排氣。
1、 關(guān)閉進(jìn)出口壓力(或真空)表和出水閥門(如有旁通管,此時(shí)也應(yīng)關(guān)閉)。起動(dòng)電機(jī)(先點(diǎn)動(dòng)、確認(rèn)泵轉(zhuǎn)向正確后,才開始正式運(yùn)行)。然后打開進(jìn)出口壓力(或真空)表,當(dāng)泵達(dá)到正常轉(zhuǎn)速,且儀表指出相應(yīng)壓力時(shí),再慢慢打開出水閥門,調(diào)節(jié)到需要的工況。在吐出管路關(guān)閉的情況下,泵連續(xù)工作的時(shí)間,不能超過3分鐘。
2、 起動(dòng)過程中要時(shí)時(shí)注意原動(dòng)機(jī)的功率讀書及泵的振動(dòng)情況,振動(dòng)數(shù)不應(yīng)超過0.06毫米,測定部位是軸承座。
3、 密封情況,機(jī)械密封應(yīng)無泄漏、發(fā)熱現(xiàn)象,填料密封應(yīng)呈連續(xù)滴流狀態(tài)。
4、 如輸送液體溫度較高,啟動(dòng)前要均勻預(yù)熱,其預(yù)熱速爾為<50℃/h為宜。
5、 起動(dòng)前必須確認(rèn)冷卻和機(jī)封沖洗液供應(yīng)正常。
1、 經(jīng)常檢查泵和電機(jī)的發(fā)熱情況(軸承的溫升不應(yīng)超過35℃,極限溫度不應(yīng)大于75℃)及油位情況(一般每運(yùn)行500小時(shí)后,要全部更換潤滑油一次)。
2、 不能用吸入閥來調(diào)節(jié)流量,避免產(chǎn)品汽蝕。
3、 泵不宜在低于30%設(shè)計(jì)流量下連續(xù)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),如果必須在該條件下連續(xù)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),則應(yīng)在出口處安裝旁通管,排放多余的流量。
4、 注意泵運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)有無雜音,如發(fā)現(xiàn)異常狀態(tài)時(shí),應(yīng)及時(shí)清除或停車檢查。
5、 冷卻水管閥門的開啟度應(yīng)根據(jù)泵正常工作后冷卻出水管的溫度進(jìn)行調(diào)節(jié)。
1、 緩慢關(guān)閉吐出口管路閥門(如果泵在倒灌情況下使用,還要關(guān)閉吸入管路的閘閥)并關(guān)閉各種儀表的開關(guān)。
2、 切斷電源。
3、 如果密封采用外部引液時(shí),還要關(guān)閉外引液閥門。
4、 如果環(huán)境溫度低于液體凝固點(diǎn)時(shí),要放凈泵內(nèi)的液體,以防凍裂。
5、 如果長時(shí)間停車不用,除將泵內(nèi)的腐蝕性液體放凈外,各零部件應(yīng)拆卸清洗干凈,尤其是密封腔。將泵拆下清洗后重新裝好,除涂油防銹處理和封閉泵進(jìn)、出口外,還應(yīng)定期檢查。
6、 切斷電源后,再關(guān)閉冷卻水管閥門和機(jī)封沖洗液閥門。
Start operation and stop
Preparation before starting
1、 before starting, clean the pump and spot.
2、 Check whether the lube in the bearing bracket is enough.
3、 Before connecting the couplings, check the motor rotary direction. Its identical with the pump rotary direction arrow. Then connect the coupling.
4、 After installing the mechanical seal or packing and coupling, turn the pump shaft by hand to see. Whether there is any bump and install the protective cover of the couplings.
5、 When the pump is working to suck the liquid to a higher place, it is must to irrigate the pump or make it vacuum before starting. When the pump is working to irrigate in the converse way, it is a must to irrigate the pump full with the conveyed liquid and clear the air of the pump and close the exhaling pipe valve before starting. When there is no liquid in the pump, it is forbidden to run the pump.
6、 Check the foundation bolt loose or not before starting. And check the sealing cover, the supply of the lube and cooling water.
7、 When transfer the volatilization liquid, the pump should has the draining air valve in order to exhaust the air.
1、 close the pressure(or vacuum) meter of the inlet and outlet and the exhaling water valve(if there is other pipe, it also should be closed). Start the motor (it is better to run and confirm the direction of the pumps running ok, the start the proper operation). Then turn on the pressure (or vacuum) meter of the inlet and outlet. When the speed of the pump reaches to a normal state, and the meter points to the related pressure, the open the exhaling water valve and adjust it to the required state. When the exhaling pipe is closed, the working time of the pump shouldn’t exceed 3 minutes.
2、 During the start, pay close attention to the power readings of the motor and the vibration of the pump, which the vibration should not exceed 0.06mm and the measuring part is the bearing seat.
3、 Check the mechanical seal, the mechanical seal should not have the leakage and the heat, and the packing seal should be the state of continuous dripping.
4、 If transfer the liquid of the high temperature, it is a must to heat up the pump before starting, and the value of the heat-up should less 50℃/h
5、 Confirm the cooling and mechanical seal flushing liquid are supplied enough before starting.
1、 check the pump and the motor’s heat-up normally(the bearings’ temperature rise should not be higher than 35℃ and the maxim temperature should not exceed 75℃.) And the lube position (it is general to change the lube for every 500 operation hours).
2、 Don’t adjust the flux with the sucking valve in order not to produce the cavitations.
3、 The pump should not operate under the condition of less 30% of the designed flux continuously. And if it is a must to run under this condition, you should install another outlet pipe and drain the surplus flux.
4、 Pay attention to the noise of the pump operation. If there is any abnormal performance, please check in time and stop the operation.
5、 The open degree of the cooling water pipe valve should be adjusted according to the temperature of the cooling outlet water pipe after the pump works normally.
1、 close the outlet pipeline gate valve slowly(if the use of converse irrigation, close the suction pipeline gate valve),close the switch of all meters.
2、 Turn off the switch.
3、 If the seal adopts the exterior liquid close the exterior liquid valve
4、 If the environmental temperature is lower than the liquid freezing point, discharge the liquid in the pump, avoid the pump body frozen and broken.
5、 If stopping using the pump for long time, exhaust the corrosive liquid in the pump, disassemble pump and clean all the parts, especially the sealing cavity. It is better to disassemble and clean the pump then assemble it again. Except for besmearing the oil for anti-rust and airproof the outlet and inlet of the pump, you should check the pump in a certain time.
6、 Turn off the power and then close the cooling water pipe valve and mechanical seal flushing liquid valve.



2012年11月02日 星期五


1、EG系列離心泵   2、PTL系列單級(jí)單吸離心泵   3、SLB系列單級(jí)雙吸泵   4、THY系列長軸液下泵

5、UHB-ZK系列氟塑料砂漿泵  6、IH系列標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化工泵   7、IHF系列氟塑料離心泵 8、QBK系列氣動(dòng)隔膜泵

9、ZX系列自吸泵    10、G型單螺桿泵    11、ZB3A型不銹鋼轉(zhuǎn)子泵    12、ZW系列自吸式排污泵

13、YW系列液下式排污泵    14、WQ系列潛水排污泵  15、ED臥式多級(jí)離心泵    16、CDL系列輕型立式多級(jí)泵

17、JWM機(jī)械隔膜計(jì)量泵  18、JYMZ液壓隔膜計(jì)量泵    19、J-W系列柱塞式計(jì)量泵  20、J-X系列柱塞式計(jì)量泵

21、QJ系列深井潛水泵    22、CQ系列磁力泵    23、ZCQ系列自吸磁力泵    24、CQB-F系列氟塑料磁力泵

25、2X系列旋片式真空泵  26、2BV系列水環(huán)式真空泵 27、2XZ系列真空泵  28、SK系列水環(huán)真空泵

關(guān)于 化工泵,離心泵,立式離心泵,管道離心泵,單級(jí)雙吸離心泵,臥式離心泵,化工離心泵,多級(jí)泵,化工泵,磁力泵,螺桿泵,上海離心泵,水泵,泵 的新聞